“Gratitude. Not just the kind of gratitude where you think, ‘oh yeah, I’m thankful for that.’ But the kind of gratitude that goes from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. That aches in your bones and fuels every cell of your being. That m…

“Gratitude. Not just the kind of gratitude where you think, ‘oh year, I’m thankful for that.’ But the kind of gratitude that goes from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. That aches in your bones and fuels every cell of your being. That makes your heart swell to bursting and break at the same time. This trip has changed me. Taught me lessons I didn’t know I needed to be taught and lessons that I am continually re-learning. And for that I am so grateful. For Carrie who is soulful and deep, and who can make you question everything and reassure you that you know the answers all at the same time. For Kelly who leads with strength and poise and human and adventure, who can offer you support at exactly the right moment but will also be open and vulnerable with you in exchange. For each of my retreat family members who showed up for themselves with radical self-reliance and showed up for each other with trust and integrity.” ~ Susan, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Thailand, Costa Rica)

“I had the honor of joining and documenting Explore & Expand Retreats in Thailand! Kelly and Carrie do an amazing job at crafting an experience like no other. Like they say, it’s not your average yoga retreat. Like I say it’s fucking soulful. It…

“I had the honor of joining and documenting Explore & Expand Retreats in Thailand! Kelly and Carrie do an amazing job at crafting an experience like no other. Like they say, it’s not your average yoga retreat. Like I say it’s fucking soulful. It’s full of adventure and pushing beyond your limits. It’s discovering your radical self-reliance on the other side of the world, while also being supported unconditionally by friends you’ve just met. This not a chill and chillax kind of retreat. Albeit there are those moments, there are also moments of sweaty palms, heart pounding out of your chest, tears from fears and find your breath so you don’t pass out kind of moments. I am so thankful for this growth, connection, and soul expanding experience.” ~ Amelia, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Morocco, Thailand, Costa Rica, Spain)

“Each time I travel with Explore & Expand, I’m in awe of the attention to detail, and even more so of Carrie and Kelly’s soulful connection to the places and the people they share with those who travel with them. Accommodations, meals, activities: every piece is intentionally crafted to enrich the traveler, the community, and the earth. If you want to travel with purpose, discover new (or forgotten) parts of yourself, and experience heart opening connection, Explore & Expand will not disappoint.” ~ Sarah, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Morocco, Peru, Patagonia, Thailand)

“Explore & Expand Retreats has a knack for truly immersing you in new cultural surroundings, and I’ve yet to not feel like my perspective and appreciation for living are truly expanding thanks to these experiences. While the trips always push me a little beyond my comfort zone, I’m always left with a sense of rejuvenation and immerse gratitude. These are moments that will most definitely be remembers for a lifetime.” ~ Taylor, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Costa Rica, Morocco, Thailand, Patagonia)

peru yoga retreat

“I have so many emotions around making it to Machu Picchu. My lifelong dream. I’m still processing that it was real and that it happened. The hike was hard but the tumult of emotion was a lot. I just stood there stunned. Awed. The place was sacred. Palpably so. I still can’t find the words or feelings for what the pilgrimage to get here meant and how it felt to arrive and how it felt to just be. I think awe and gratitude are the overriding takeaways. What an amazing journey. I just let go and I was delighted.” ~ Lora, first time Explore & Expand participant (Peru)

peru yoga retreat

“Peru will forever have a special place in my soul. From the mountains, rivers, and streets, to the amazing people, food, and beautiful culture. You kicked my ass in the most beautiful and loving way. I miss you already. A big ‘thank you’ and appreciation to our amazing heartfelt group (forever family), and our steadfast, awe inspiring, soulful leaders who created such a generous and meaningful experience. Until next time.” ~ Angela, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Peru, Thailand, Costa Rica, Napa)

“It has been absolutely life changing meeting Carrie and Kelly. Their love for people connection, and Mother Earth permeates through every single activity in this trip to Thailand, whether it’s an excursion or a simple yoga practice. I was honored and humbled to feel so welcomed and accepted; it’s one of the first times that I’ve been with a group of “strangers” and felt completely seen and valued for exactly who I am. This experience has been life changing and I will take lessons with me that will impact the rest of my life. Carrie and Kelly have a special place in my heart forever.” ~ Elena, repeat Explore & Expand participant (Peru, Thailand)